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  • 《鹤》杜牧 唐代 清音迎晓月,愁思立寒蒲。 丹顶西施颊,霜毛四皓须。 碧云行止躁。……的翻译

    《鹤》杜牧  唐代 清音迎晓月,愁思立寒蒲。 丹顶西施颊,霜毛四皓须。 碧云行止躁。……的翻译

    [白话译文] 轻声迎接黎明残月, 伊人思念栖于寒蒲. 回归白鹤摇曳丹顶, 薄霜依旧布满白须. 碧落白云悄悄飞舞, 性灵粗放白鹭噰噰, 叹息离群独居之苦, 小溪边上孤影悲鸣.
    [英译文] The voiceless sound welcome the imcomplete moon , The lover think for which stays on the cold cattail . Be back soon ,the white crane flicker its red-crown . The thin frosting still spread full white over the beard. In the sky , the white cloud be dancing in the air , The egret be clever and rough ,the wagtail chirp yong yong . Be sigh, take to leave away the flock and be miserable alone residence , By the small stream there be the lonely shadow sad chirrup.