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  • 工作经历 这两个短语用英语怎么说

    工作经历 这两个短语用英语怎么说

    工作经历 这两个短语
    Work through these two phrases


    accumulate/gather work experience


    The stream attache , marketplace assistant , business documentary , storehouse administration , job have experience for 5 years in large-scale joint venture from object , know well that entire automobile component and part childbirth arrives at sell the queen job , skilled arrangement production design, job managing the transportation service company working together , knowing a marketplace very well, single technological process is familiar with to overseas under in the homeland, the meeting sea airlifts operation. Realize enterprise transportation cost minimum-rization. Arrange the marketing forecast , sell a contract, skilled operation OFFICE office software , meeting usage ERP are systematic , skilled handle personnel work. May handle the management system and salary checking on work attendance adjusts accounts of systematically , is able to use Photoshop, gimmick has being bound to know to quality, experience such as having the follow-up , the engineering construction follow-up to the rate of progress follow-up giving birth to a child , purchasing.