香菇青菜Vegetables and mushrooms
香菇青菜的做法详细介绍 菜系及功效:闽菜 家常菜谱 私家菜
香菇青菜的制作材料: 主料:青菜,鲜香菇,木耳
教您香菇青菜怎么做,如何做香菇青菜才好吃 1 油锅热后,先放生姜丝翻炒出香味,接着放木耳香菇翻炒。紧接着放青菜的根的部分翻炒。
2 放盐调味,看看根的颜色有点透明了,就可以放青菜的叶子的部分了。
3 叶子放入后,稍微翻炒几下就可以起锅装盘了。
Introduced the practice of mushroom cuisine vegetables and efficacy: Fujian, private homemade food recipes
Technology: fried
The production of vegetables and mushrooms Material: Ingredients: vegetables, fresh mushrooms, fungus
Spices: ginger, salt
Vegetables and mushrooms teach you how to do, how to do it delicious vegetables and mushrooms after a hot pan, stir fry the ginger flavor released first, followed by mushrooms mushrooms stir fry. Then put the root part of the stir fry vegetables.
2 salt seasoning, take a look at the root of the colors a bit transparent, you can put some of the cabbage leaves.
3 leaves in place, a little clean wok stir fry a few can transfer to a plate.