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  • 翻译:健康的生活使我年轻


    答案是:Healthy life makes me  younger  



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    怎样可以健康的生活 请用最简单的话概括



    1.excellent wine and delicious dishes; exquisite viands and excellent wine; good food and excellent wine

    词语 美味 的意思?

    美味 基本解释: 美好的滋味;滋味美好的食品:蟹的美味久不尝了|珍馐美味。 词语分开解释: 美 : 美 měi 好,善:美德。美学。美谈。审美。美丽。美容(美化容貌)。美不胜收。得意,高兴:美滋滋? 味 : 味 wèi 舌头尝东西所得到的感觉:味觉。味道(亦指兴趣)。滋味。鼻子闻东西所得到的感觉:气味。? 我的回答希望您能满意 谢谢采纳

    英语作文 请你列举两种生活方式,并对比一下,说明哪一种是健康的,哪一种是不健康的。

    To have a healthy lifestyle we must take note of a few points.We must have a balance diet with vegetables and fruits.We must also go to sleep early and wake up early.Excercise regularly is also required to keep the body fit and healthy.Therefore over eating or having late nights are not encouraged in healthy lifestyle.